Van den Dool Botanic
Contact Information
Van den Dool Botanic Rijneveld 150a2771 XP Boskoop
- Tel:
- +31 172 214800
- E-mail:
- [email protected]
- Website:
List of Plants
- Abelia 'Kaleidoscope'
- Abelia Lucky Lots
- Arbutus Mercurius
- Buddleja High Five Purple
- Caryopteris Grand Bleu®
- Caryopteris Stephi
- Choisya 'Aztec Gold'
- Choisya Greenfingers
- Choisya White Dazzler
- Coprosma Eclipse
- Daphne 'Sweet Amethyst'
- Diervilla Honeybee
- Eriostemon Gold Touch
- Escallonia Glowing Embers
- Escallonia Pink Elle
- Gardenia 'Pinwheel®'
- Gardenia Double Diamonds
- Loropetalum Ever Red
- Loropetalum Ruby Snow
- Mahonia Meteor
- Mahonia Volcano
- Nandina 'Twilight'
- Perovskia 'Prime Time'
- Perovskia Lacey Blue
- Perovskia Silvery Blue
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume Pink
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume White
- Photinia Pink Crispy
- Physocarpus Diable d'Or®
- Physocarpus Lady in Red
- Pittosporum Bannow Bay
- Rhaphiolepis 'White Cloud'
- Ribes Amore
- Sambucus Black Lace
- Sambucus Golden Tower
- Sarcococca Purple Gem
- Sarcococca Winter Gem
- Sorbaria Crimson Feather
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rave
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rock
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rumble
- Trachelospermum Star of Toscane
- Vaccinium Fireballs