- Abelia Confetti
- Abelia Hopleys
- Abelia Kaleidoscope
- Abelia Lucky Lots
- Abelia Pink Pong®
- Abelia Sunshine Daydream
- Acer Moonrise
- Acer Royal Garnet
- Acer Silhouette
- Acer Starfish
- Acer Street Pillar
- Achillea Diadem
- Actaea Misty Blue
- Actinidia Minkigold
- Actinidia Solissimo®
- Agapanthus Black Arrow
- Agapanthus BlackJack
- Agapanthus Blue Thunder
- Agapanthus Blush Pink
- Agapanthus Brilliant Blue
- Agapanthus Double Diamond
- Agapanthus Emerald Ice
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Ever Sapphire
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Ever White
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Midnight Sky
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Poppin' Purple
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Poppin' Star
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Sparkle
- Agapanthus Fireworks
- Agapanthus Flower of Love
- Agapanthus Northern Star
- Agapanthus Sea Breeze®
- Agapanthus Silver Moon
- Agapanthus Tom Thumb
- Agapanthus Twister
- Agastache Beelicious Pink
- Agastache Beelicious Purple
- Agastache Heatwave
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® 'Fierce Falcon'
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® 'Noble Nightingale'
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® Cordial Canary
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® Fancy Finch
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® Parrot Paradise
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® Petite Parakeet
- Ajuga Feathered Friends® Tropical Toucan
- Ajuga Princess Nadia
- Aloe Sunrise
- Anemone Pink Cloud
- Arbutus Mercurius
- Arbutus Peace & Love
- Astelia Red Shadow
- Astelia Silver Shadow
- Aster Starshine
- Astilbe Dark Side of the Moon
- Berberis Golden Ruby
- Berberis Lutin Rouge
- Bidens Fire Wheel
- Bidens Funny Honey
- Brunnera Jack of Diamonds
- Buddleja Berries & Cream
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Lila Sweetheart
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Cerise
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Lila
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Magenta
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Pink
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Purple
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Ruby
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little White
- Buddleja Free Petite© Blue Heaven
- Buddleja Free Petite© Dark Pink
- Buddleja Free Petite© Snow White
- Buddleja Free Petite© Tutti Fruitti
- Buddleja Gulliver
- Buddleja High Five Purple
- Buddleja Little Rockstars® Blue
- Buddleja Little Rockstars® Pink
- Buddleja Little Rockstars® Purple
- Buddleja Little Rockstars® Red
- Buddleja Little Rockstars® White
- Buddleja Moonshine
- Buddleja Octopus Magenta
- Buddleja Peacock
- Buddleja Pink Panther
- Buddleja Silver Anniversary
- Buddleja Sugar Plum
- Buddleja Unique
- Buxus Giant
- Calendula Winter Wonders® Peach Polar
- Camellia 1001 Summer Nights® Jasmine
- Camellia 1001 Summer Nights® Sinbad
- Camellia Cupido®
- Camellia Femme Fatale®
- Camellia Kerguelen
- Campsis Dancing Flames
- Campsis Golden Trumpet
- Campsis Tango
- Campsis Tarantella
- Carex Bunny Blue
- Carex EverColor® 'Everdi'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everglow'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everillo'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everlime'
- Carex EverColor® 'Eversheen'
- Carex EverColor® Evercream
- Carex EverColor® Everest
- Carex Rekohu Sunrise
- Caryopteris Blue Empire
- Caryopteris Grand Bleu®
- Caryopteris Hint of Gold
- Caryopteris Pink Perfection
- Caryopteris Stephi
- Caryopteris Sterling Silver
- Caryopteris Thetis
- Caryopteris White Surprise
- Ceanothus Tuxedo
- Chaenomeles Red Kimono
- Chlorophytum Starlight
- Choisya Apple Blossom
- Choisya Aztec Gold
- Choisya Goldfingers
- Choisya Greenfingers
- Choisya Royal Lace
- Choisya Scented Gem
- Choisya White Dazzler
- Clematis Amber
- Clematis Baroness Fookes
- Clematis Bridgewater
- Clematis Elpis
- Clematis Emerald Dream
- Clematis Guernsey Flute
- Clematis Kokonoe
- Clematis Lindsay
- Clematis Little Lemons
- Clematis Manju®
- Clematis New Love
- Clematis Ovation
- Clematis Sparkler
- Clematis Taiga
- Clematis Tumaini
- Clematis White Magic
- Coprosma Eclipse
- Cordyline Charlie Boy
- Cordyline Emerald Star
- Cordyline Magic Star
- Cordyline Pink Star
- Cordyline Superstar
- Coreopsis Bloomsation® Chameleon
- Coreopsis Bloomsation® Dragon
- Coreopsis Solar Fancy
- Coreopsis Solar Jewel
- Coreopsis Solar Mellow
- Coreopsis Solar Moon
- Coreopsis Twinklebells® Copper
- Coreopsis Twinklebells® Pink
- Coreopsis Twinklebells® Purple
- Coreopsis Twinklebells® Sunrise
- Cornus Flower Tower
- Cornus Miracle
- Cornus Nightfall
- Cornus Soleil Rouge
- Cortaderia Stars & Stripes
- Corylus Red Majestic
- Cosmos Eclipse
- Cotinus Dusky Maiden
- Cotinus Flamissimo
- Cotinus Golden Lady
- Cotinus Golden Spirit®
- Cotinus Old Fashioned
- Cotinus Red Spirit
- Cotinus Smokey Joe
- Cotinus Young Lady
- Cryptomeria Toad
- Cupressocyparis Blue Jeans
- Cupressocyparis Excalibur Gold
- Dahlia Double Dreamy®
- Dahlia Dreamy® Days
- Dahlia Dreamy® Eyes
- Dahlia Dreamy® Flame
- Dahlia Dreamy® Kiss
- Dahlia Dreamy® Lips
- Dahlia Dreamy® Nights
- Dahlia Dreamy® Sunlight
- Dahlia Electro Pink
- Dahlia Mystic Dreamer
- Dahlia Mystic Enchantment
- Dahlia Mystic Fantasy
- Dahlia Mystic Haze
- Dahlia Mystic Illusion
- Dahlia Mystic Memories
- Dahlia Mystic Sparkler
- Dahlia Mystic Spirit
- Dahlia Mystic Wonder
- Daphne Sweet Amethyst
- Daphne Sweetheart
- Delosperma Desert Dancers® Purple
- Delosperma Desert Dancers® Red
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Amethyst
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Candystone
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Garnet
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Grenade
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Moon Stone
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Opal
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Peridot
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Rosequartz
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Ruby
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Sunstone
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Topaz
- Delosperma Ocean Sunset® Orange Glow
- Delosperma Ocean Sunset® Orange Vibe
- Delosperma Ocean Sunset® Purple Flare
- Delosperma Ocean Sunset® Violet
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® Magenta
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® Orange
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® Red
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® Rose
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® White
- Delosperma Sun Diamonds® Yellow
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Fire
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Golden
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Hot Orange
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Hot Pink
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Hot Red
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Limoncello
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Orange
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Purple
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Salmony Pink
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® Violet
- Delosperma Wheels of Wonder® White
- Deutzia Raspberry Sundae
- Deutzia Tokyo Delight
- Dianella Blue Stream
- Dianella Coolvista®
- Dianthus Vivid Bright Light
- Diervilla Honey Surprise
- Diervilla Honeybee
- Dietes Milky Way
- Distylium Blue Cascade
- Echeveria Devotion
- Echinacea Drumsticks Gold
- Echinacea Drumsticks Purple
- Echinacea Evolution Colorific
- Echinacea Pretty Parasols
- Echinacea Tweety
- Elaeagnus Taneo
- Erica Eva
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Orange
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Purple
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Red
- Escallonia Glowing Embers
- Escallonia Golden Carpet
- Escallonia Pink Elle
- Escallonia Pink Lemon
- Escallonia Red Carpet
- Escallonia Showstopper
- Eucalyptus Azura
- Eucalyptus France Bleu®
- Eucalyptus Silverana
- Euonymus Blondy®
- Euonymus Dan's Delight
- Euonymus El-Dorado
- Euonymus Exstase®
- Euonymus Golden Harlequin
- Euonymus Goldy®
- Euonymus Green Millennium™
- Euonymus Himalaya
- Euonymus Paloma Blanca
- Euonymus Silverstone
- Euonymus White Spire
- Euphorbia Ascot Petite
- Euphorbia Blackbird
- Euphorbia Galaxy Glow
- Euphorbia Miners Merlot
- Euphorbia Silver Swan
- Euphorbia Tasmanian Tiger
- Exochorda Blushing Pearl
- Exochorda Niagara
- Exochorda Snow Mountain
- Festuca Intense Blue
- Festuca Sunrise
- Ficus Little Miss Figgy
- Forsythia Discovery
- Forsythia Maree d’Or®
- Forsythia Mikador®
- Fuchsia Happy Birthday
- Gaillardia Sun Buddies Gold
- Gaillardia Sun Buddies Red
- Gardenia Crown Jewel
- Gardenia Double Diamonds
- Gardenia Pinwheel®
- Gaura Baby Butterfly Dark Pink
- Gaura Passionate Blush
- Gaura Passionate Rainbow
- Gazania Suncarpet®
- Geranium Dragon Heart
- Geranium Dreamland
- Geranium Intense
- Geranium Kelly-Anne
- Geranium Mary-Anne
- Geranium Orkney Cherry
- Geranium Westray
- Geum Firestarter
- Geum Orange Pumpkin
- Ginkgo Blagon
- Graptoveria Starfire
- Griselinia Green Horizon
- Hakonechloa Mulled Wine
- Hakonechloa Sunflare
- Hebe Blue Haze
- Hebe Garden Beauty Blue
- Hebe Garden Beauty Pink
- Hebe Garden Beauty Purple
- Hebe Garden Beauty White
- Hebe Midnight Sky
- Helenium Short 'n' Sassy
- Heliopsis Luna Roja
- Heliopsis Orange Marble
- Hemerocallis Golden Zebra
- Hemerocallis See You Tomorrow®
- Heuchera Dark Secret
- Heuchera Eternal Flame
- Heuchera Frilly
- Heuchera Kassandra
- Heuchera Plum Power
- Hibiscus Blue Chiffon
- Hibiscus Carousel Geant Red
- Hibiscus Carousel Ghost
- Hibiscus Carousel Jolly Heart
- Hibiscus Carousel Pink Candy
- Hibiscus Carousel Pink Passion
- Hibiscus Carousel Red Wine
- Hibiscus Eternal Flower Pink
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Purple
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Ruby
- Hibiscus Flower Tower White
- Hibiscus Lavender Chiffon
- Hibiscus Little Legends Pink
- Hibiscus Little Legends White
- Hibiscus Magenta Chiffon
- Hibiscus Pink Chiffon
- Hibiscus Purple Chiffon
- Hibiscus Ruby Chiffon
- Hibiscus Starburst Chiffon
- Hibiscus White Chiffon
- Hosta Party Streamers
- Humulus Prima Donna
- Hydrangea Avelroz
- Hydrangea Baby Lace
- Hydrangea Bombshell
- Hydrangea Bonfire
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Bubblegum
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Marshmallow
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Sorbet
- Hydrangea Confetti
- Hydrangea Expression
- Hydrangea Golden Annabelle
- Hydrangea Goldrush
- Hydrangea Graffiti
- Hydrangea Groundbreaker® Blush
- Hydrangea Hercules
- Hydrangea Little Fresco
- Hydrangea Little Spooky
- Hydrangea Love
- Hydrangea Mini Penny
- Hydrangea Mojito
- Hydrangea Peace
- Hydrangea Peppermint
- Hydrangea Pink & Rose
- Hydrangea Pixio
- Hydrangea Prim'Red
- Hydrangea Prim'White®
- Hydrangea Princess Diana
- Hydrangea Silver Lining
- Hydrangea Skyfall
- Hydrangea Tara
- Hydrangea You&Me Forever
- Hydrangea You&Me Miss Saori®
- Hydrangea You&Me Perfection
- Hydrangea You&Me Romance
- Hydrangea You&Me Together
- Hypericum Radiance
- Ilex Gentle
- Ilex LUXUS® Globe
- Ilex LUXUS® Hedge
- Ilex Spire
- Ilex Strong Caroline
- Ilex Viking
- Isoplexis Bella
- Jacaranda Bonsai Blue
- Juniperus Blue Ivory
- Koelreuteria Coral Sun
- Lagerstroemia Berry Dazzle
- Lagerstroemia Eveline
- Lagerstroemia With Love Babe
- Lagerstroemia With Love Eternal
- Lagerstroemia With Love Girl
- Lagerstroemia With Love Kiss
- Lagerstroemia With Love Virgin
- Lavandula Bella Toscane
- Lavandula Blue Jeans
- Lavandula Blueberry Ruffles
- Lavandula Exceptional
- Lavandula Lusi Pink
- Lavandula Meerlo
- Lavandula Phenomenal
- Lavandula Sensational!
- Leontopodium Blossom of Snow
- Leucothoe Burning Love
- Leucothoe Curly Gold
- Leucothoe Curly Red
- Leucothoe Halloween
- Leucothoe Little Flames
- Leucothoe Makijaz
- Leucothoe Red Lips®
- Leucothoe Twisting Red®
- Leucothoe Whitewater
- Lewisia Sunset Glow
- Leycesteria Golden Lanterns
- Libertia Goldfinger
- Libertia Taupo Sunset
- Ligustrum Green Screen
- Ligustrum Musli®
- Limonium Dazzle Rocks
- Lithodora Star
- Lomandra Miner's Gold
- Lomandra White Sands
- Lonicera Blond & Beyond
- Lonicera Caprilia® Ever
- Lonicera Caprilia® Imperial
- Lonicera Celestial
- Lonicera Chic & Choc®
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Copper Glow
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Green Breeze
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Purple Storm
- Lonicera Marinella
- Lonicera Scoop
- Lophomyrtus Magic Dragon
- Loropetalum Ever Red
- Loropetalum Ruby Runner
- Loropetalum Ruby Snow
- Lupinus Lupinova® Cierra
- Lupinus Lupinova® Cutie
- Lupinus Lupinova® Lenora
- Lupinus Lupinova® Lyanna
- Lychnis Cherry Bubbles
- Lycium Little Goji
- Lycium Princess Tao
- Magnolia Alta
- Magnolia Cameo
- Magnolia Cleopatra
- Magnolia Emperor
- Magnolia Genie
- Magnolia Pink Pyramid
- Magnolia Starburst
- Magnolia Stellar Ruby
- Magnolia Vanilla Pearls
- Magnolia Watermelon
- Mahonia Meteor
- Mahonia Sweet Winter®
- Mahonia Volcano
- Malus Appletini®
- Manfreda Mint Chocolate Chip
- Mangave Red Wing
- Mangave Bad Hair Day
- Mangave Blazing Saddles
- Mangave Inkblot
- Mangave Lavender Lady
- Mangave Mission to Mars
- Mangave Moonglow
- Mangave Pineapple Express
- Mangave Praying Hands
- Mangave Silver Fox
- Mangave Snow Leopard
- Mangave Spotty Dotty
- Microbiota Lucas
- Miscanthus Alligator
- Miscanthus Boucle
- Miscanthus Lady in Red
- Miscanthus Little Tiger
- Miscanthus Missmini
- Miscanthus Pink Cloud
- Miscanthus Polonus
- Miscanthus Red Cloud®
- Miscanthus Silver Charm
- Miscanthus Silver Cloud
- Molinia Banshee
- Morus BonBonBerry® Mojo Berry
- Musa Ever Red
- Nandina Blush Pink
- Nandina Brightlight
- Nandina Curly Obsessed
- Nandina Flirt
- Nandina Obsessed
- Nandina Red Light
- Nandina Twilight
- Nepeta Neptune
- Ocimum Perpetuo
- Olearia Spring Bling
- Osmanthus Perfume Party
- Ostrya F.C. Moree
- Panicum Hot Rod
- Panicum JS Buffalo Green
- Panicum Purple Breeze
- Papaver Red Rumble
- Parrotia Persian Spire
- Pennisetum JS Dance with Me
- Pennisetum Lumen Gold
- Pennisetum Tiny Tails
- Pennisetum Tiny Twinkler
- Perovskia Feathery Blue
- Perovskia Lacey Blue
- Perovskia Prime Time
- Perovskia Silvery Blue
- Persicaria Bloody Mary
- Persicaria Red Dragon
- Philadelphus Dainty Lady
- Philadelphus Pearls of Perfume
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume Pink
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume White
- Phlox Bambini® Bullseye
- Phlox Bambini® Candy Crush
- Phlox Bambini® Cherry Crush
- Phlox Bambini® Desire
- Phlox Bambini® Lucky Lilac
- Phlox Bambini® Primadonna
- Phlox Bambini® Sweet Tart
- Phlox Blue Ribbons
- Phlox JS® Queen Paola
- Phormium Black Adder
- Photinia Amigo
- Photinia Chico
- Photinia Corallina
- Photinia Crunchy®
- Photinia Little Fenna
- Photinia Louise
- Photinia Pink Crispy
- Photinia Red Light
- Photinia Red Planet
- Physocarpus All Black
- Physocarpus Diable d'Or®
- Physocarpus Lady in Red
- Physocarpus Little Angel
- Physocarpus Little Greeny
- Physocarpus Little Joker
- Physocarpus Little Ninja
- Picea December
- Picea Karpaten
- Picea Little Nordic
- Pieris Little Frosty
- Pieris Little Goldy
- Pieris Passion
- Pieris Pink Passion
- Pieris Polar Passion
- Pieris Ralto
- Pittosporum Bannow Bay
- Pittosporum Beach Ball
- Pittosporum Glo Ball
- Pittosporum Irish Luck
- Plectranthus Magic Mona Purple
- Podocarpus Mood Ring
- Podocarpus Roman Candle
- Potentilla Danny Boy
- Potentilla Double Punch® Cream
- Potentilla Double Punch® Gold
- Potentilla Double Punch® Pastel
- Potentilla Double Punch® Peach
- Potentilla Double Punch® Tango
- Prunus Bonaparte®
- Prunus Copperbell
- Prunus Elly®
- Prunus Etna®
- Prunus Genolia®
- Prunus Goris Gold
- Prunus Greentorch
- Prunus Legend
- Prunus Obelisk®
- Prunus Otto Supreme
- Prunus Royal Flame
- Prunus TAOFLORA® Pink
- Prunus TAOFLORA® Red
- Prunus TAOFLORA® White
- Prunus Tico
- Prunus Titan
- Punica Uniqa
- Pyracantha Orange Star
- Pyracantha Red Star
- Pyracantha Sunny Star
- Rhaphiolepis White Cloud
- Rhododendron Centennial Gold
- Rhododendron Encore® Autumn Fire
- Rhododendron Encore® Autumn Majesty
- Rhododendron Encore® Autumn Prince
- Rhododendron Encore® Autumn Starburst
- Rhododendron Encore® Pure White
- Rhododendron Encore® Sunburst
- Rhododendron FLASH DANCE™ Pink
- Rhododendron FLASH DANCE™ Salmon
- Rhododendron Millennium Gold
- Rhododendron Pink Star
- Rhodohypoxis Beverly
- Rhodoxis Fairy Kisses
- Rhodoxis Fairy Snow
- Rhodoxis Fairy Tale
- Ribes Amore
- Ribes Oregon Snowflake
- Robinia Georgia da Torino
- Rosa Amirose®
- Rosa Cutie Pie
- Rosa Everglow Ruby
- Rosa Take It Easy® Red
- Rosa Twister Select
- Rosmarinus Blue Cascade
- Rubus BonBonBerry® Yummy
- Rubus Groovy
- Rubus Raspberry Tower
- Salix Flamingo
- Salvia Feathers Flamingo
- Salvia Feathers Peacock
- Salvia JS 'A Little Bit'
- Sambucus Black Beauty
- Sambucus Black Lace
- Sambucus Black Tower
- Sambucus Cherry Lace
- Sambucus Golden Tower
- Sambucus Serenade
- Sambucus Welsh Gold
- Sarcococca Purple Gem
- Sarcococca Winter Gem
- Scabiosa Blue Eyes
- Schizachyrium Standing Ovation
- Schizophragma Snow Sensation™
- Sedum Blue Elf
- Sedum Wildfire
- Sedum Atlantis®
- Sedum Black Knight
- Sedum Blue Pearl
- Sedum Cherry Tart
- Sedum Dazzleberry
- Sedum Dream Dazzler
- Sedum Firecracker
- Sedum Jade Tuffet
- Sedum Lime Twister
- Sedum Lime Zinger
- Sedum Little Gecko
- Sedum Plum Dazzled
- Sedum Sunsparkler® Cosmic Comet
- Sempervivum Blushing Garnet
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Appletini
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Autumn Apple
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Berry Blues
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Berry Bomb
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Butterscotch Baby
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cherries Jubilee
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Chocolate Kiss
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cinnamon Starburst
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cosmic Candy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cotton Candy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cranberry Cocktail
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Copper Canyon
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Emerald Explosion
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Glacier Blue
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Steel Appeal
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Gold Rush
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Grape Galaxy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Key Lime Kiss
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Lemon Waves
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Lotus Blossom
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Mint Chocolate Chip
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Mint Marvel
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Pineapple Paradise
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Powdered Pastry
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Strawberry Kiwi
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Sugar Shimmer
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Trio
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Arctic White
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Coconut Crystal
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Coral Red
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Emerald Swirl
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Lemon Flare
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Ruby Lime
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Summer Frost
- Sempervivum Giants Gold Mine
- Sempervivum Gold Nugget
- Sesleria Blue Porcupine
- Sorbaria Crimson Feather
- Spiraea Fenna
- Spiraea Goldfire
- Spiraea Odessa
- Spiraea Sparkling Champagne
- Spiraea Tessa
- Spiraea White Gold
- Spiraea ZEN'SPIRIT® Caramel
- Spiraea ZEN'SPIRIT® Gold
- Stokesia Amethyst
- Strobilanthes Brunetthy
- Styrax Evening Light
- Styrax June Snow
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rave
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rock
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rumble
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Pink
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Purple
- Syringa Flowerfesta® White
- Syringa Little Rosie
- Syzygium Etna Fire®
- Taxus Eleganza
- Taxus Exotica
- Taxus Goldstrike
- Taxus Rising Star®
- Taxus Tiny T
- Teucrium Indyho
- Thalictrum Splendide White
- Thuja Bright Smaragd
- Thuja Sugar & Spice
- Thuja Sunny Smaragd
- Thuja Totem Smaragd
- Tiarella Angel Wings
- Trachelospermum Star of Milano®
- Trachelospermum Star of Toscane
- Trachelospermum Winter Ruby®
- Tradescantia JS® Brainstorm
- Ulmus Helena®
- Ulmus Lutece®
- Ulmus Vada®
- Uncinia Everflame
- Vaccinium BonBonBerry® Blue Suede
- Vaccinium Fireballs
- Vaccinium Flamingo
- Vaccinium Miss Cherry®
- Veronica Bubblegum Candles
- Veronica Purplegum Candles
- Veronica Snow Candles
- Viburnum Coppertop
- Viburnum Rock 'n Rolla®
- Viburnum Spirit
- Weigela Alexandra
- Weigela Black and White®
- Weigela Brigela
- Weigela Elvera
- Weigela Picobella Bianco
- Weigela Picobella Rosa
- Weigela Picobella Rosso
- Weigela Pink Poppet
- Weigela Wings of Fire
- Wisteria Amethyst Falls
- x Semponium Destiny
- x Semponium Diamond
- x Semponium Sienna
- x Semponium Vortex