Choisya Greenfingers ('Lissfing'PBR) EU 59034
Wow! Choisya Greenfingers might be the most spectacular Choisya in the market. Its incredibly dense, naturally rounded habit removes the need for pruning and creates an incredible scene in borders. The flowers are immensely large: larger than other Choisya. The vivid green young foliage adds extra spectacle to Greenfingers, and when turning darker green with age, they create the most stunning contrasts with the large, pure white flowers. The large flowers appear from April into June, only to flower once more in autumn.
Choisya Greenfingers is an evergreen variety that provides year-round interest. The scented leaves and flowers attract butterflies and bees to the landscape, and the abundance of white-pink buds seems to cover the entire plant. Greenfingers is not susceptible to diseases, and this - combined with the naturally rounded habit - makes it a very easy-to-grow, low-maintenance variety.
How to care for Choisya Greenfingers:
Choisya Greenfingers prefers a spot in well-drained, fertile soil and full sun to partial shade, though happiest in a sunny spot. Greenfingers grows up to 100 cm high and wide after five years and requires no pruning. This bee-friendly variety is hardy up to -15 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Larger flowers than other Choisya
- Very dense, naturally rounded habit
- No pruning needed
- Evergreen, year-round interest
- Attracts bees and butterflies