Pieris japonica Pink Passion ('Opstal 69'PBR) EU 44526

After the successful introduction of the Pieris Passion there is now the Pieris Pink Passion: healthy, strong, with a bushy construction and large, pale pink flowers. Pieris Pink Passion is an ornament for each garden, terrace and balcony. Flowers richly in March-April with pink, upright flower clusters.
Pieris Pink Passion endures sun and shade and becomes 1,20m high and 1m wide. Pink Passion is maintenance-low and likes a sandy, humus rich soil. If not present, then add some peat to the planting hole.
Enjoy this ornament in your garden!
Kluczowe cechy
- Rich flowering
- Large flowers
- Attractive all year round
- Disease resistant
- Grower friendly; low maintenance
Pieris Pink Passion winner of:
- Brons GrootGroenPlus 2013