Magnolia Starburst ('MGSTA2009'PBR) EU 66577

Magnolia Starburst has eye-catching, semi-double flowers with different shades of pink and white. As the flower bursts open it reveals a universe of red-pink stars, airbrushed onto the white background. Starburst flowers in spring with lots of these “starbursts”.
The growth is columnar to pyramidal. This medium sized Magnolia is great as a garden plant or a small street tree. Starburst is a medium sized shrub that after 10 years will reach a height of about 4m and a width of 2m. You can apply Starburst as a garden plant in smaller gardens, as a small street tree, in containers on patio and balcony or for landscaping.
How to care for Magnolia Starburst:
Plant Starburst in the full sun in a fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Pruning in summer. Hardy to -15 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Columnar to pyramidal growth
- Free flowering in spring
- Eye-catching, semi-double flowers
- Small to medium sized
- Rich dark green foliage