Trachelospermum jasminoides Winter Ruby® ('Trared'PBR) EU 55961

Trachelospermum Winter Ruby® is special because of its beautiful bright red leaves and red stems in winter. The foliage is more frost-resistant than with other varieties. Winter Ruby® gives lots of white, scented flowers and blooms earlier than usual. Winter Ruby® blooms in the sun from May to July; in half shaded places from June to September. Winter Ruby® also remains more compact than other Trachelospermum and grows up to 2-3 meters tall instead of 4 meters. It is a beautiful climber for the garden against a wall or pergola. Hardy to -17 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Red foliage and red stems in winter
- More frost-resistant foliage
- Retains its leaves in winter
- Produces earlier flowers than usual
- Grows more compact