Carex morrowii EverColor® 'Everglow' PBR EU 53068

A fresh breeze is blowing through your garden. It gives you energy! It boosts your mood! That’s Carex EverColor® ‘Everglow’! In summer Carex ‘Everglow’ has green foliage with a hint of orange. In fall, winter and spring the entire plant has a beautiful sunset orange colour. It forms a neat and easily controlled mound. ‘Everglow’ is superb for living walls, mixed containers, roof gardens and edges. It is easy to grow and hardly requires maintenance. Plant ‘Everglow’ in moist, permeable soil. It grows well in sun, partial shade and shade. This Carex is winter hardy to -25° Celsius. It reaches a height and width of 50 cm. ‘Everglow’ is a great accent plant for all year round arrangements.
Kluczowe cechy
- Winterhardy & evergreen
- Green with sunset orange
- Multi-functional
- Low maintenance
- Very colourful
Carex EverColor® 'Everglow' winner of:
- Goud Plantarium 2018