Graptoveria 'Starfire' PBR EU 20222953
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Graptoveria ‘Starfire’ is a new intergeneric hybrid between Echeveria lilacina and Graptopetalum filiferum. It shows off with unique indented leaf margins that resemble small flames and boast a beautiful pattern. The foliage colour is absolutely striking, and ranges from pistachio green to powdery pink or soft red, depending on the season. Add the bright purple tips to the leaves, and ‘Starfire’ is a true colour spectacle!
Graptoveria ‘Starfire’ is a strong succulent that has no problem whatsoever tolerating high summer heat. It’s easy to grow and requires little maintenance, making ‘Starfire’ ideal for mixed planters, rock gardens or on the balcony or patio. The most interesting collector’s item!
How to care for Graptoveria ‘Starfire’:
Graptoveria ‘Starfire’ is cared for like all other succulents and prefers a spot in full sun to partial shade in well-drained (succulent) soil. ‘Starfire’ grows up to 15 cm wide and 5 cm high (30 cm with flowers included), and is hardy up to -7 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Unique indented leaf margins
- Striking foliage colour
- Strong plant
- Easy to grow, low maintenance