Magnolia Watermelon ('MGWAT2011b'PBR) EU 66576

Magnolia Watermelon blooms in spring with bright pink, semi-double flowers with a diameter of no less than 15-20 cm. In the summer Watermelon sometimes gives a second flush of flowers. Watermelon flowers freely from an early age. The foliage is round, medium and dark green in colour. The habit is narrow upright. Plant Watermelon in full sun in a moist, fertile, well-drained soil. After 10 years Watermelon is about 6m tall and 3m wide. This Magnolia is very suitable for the smaller gardens, for landscaping or as a street tree. Hardy to about -15 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Narrow, upright growth
- Bright pink, semi-double in spring
- Large flowers, almost rounded petals
- Free flowering from an early age
- Rounded, medium, dark green foliage