Arbutus unedo Peace & Love ('Levap'PBR) EU 20212968
This very good-looking, round-leaved strawberry tree was discovered in the breeder’s nursery and was selected in 2008. Larger than Mercurius and more compact than Compacta, Arbutus Peace & Love grows about 2 m high and wide after four years - making dreams come true for strawberry tree-lovers with a balcony.
The striking round leaves, very dense foliage and shoots emerge brightly in pink, later showing off with beautiful pinkish-white flowers in autumn and deep red berries in winters. Not only is pollinator-friendly Arbutus Peace & Love good-looking: he’s strong as well. Resistant against heat, drought and humidity, he hardly needs any looking after.
How to care for Arbutus Peace & Love:
The evergreen Peace & Love thrives in moist, well-drained soil and would prefer a location in full or light sun. Its compact, well-branched habit makes pruning non-obligatory and very suited as a hedge, garden plant, in pots and planters on terraces and balconies or for landscaping. Hardy to -12 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Very dense foliage, short internodes
- New shoots in pink
- Flowers in autumn, berries in winter
- Resistant against heat, drought and humidity