Prunus laurocerasus Legend ('GRPL19'PBR) EU 47252

Legend has thick and glossy foliage. It feels and looks just like plastic! Its large and elongated leaves have a characteristic curve. Legend has a fast, bushy and upright growth. This shrub reaches a height of 250 cm and a width of 100 cm. In spring, white flowers appear.
Legend is disease-tolerant and easy to maintain. This cherry laurel loves a spot in the sun or partial shade. Plant Legend in a moist, well-drained and fertile soil. Hardy to -22 °C. Legend is excellent for landscaping, mass planting, shrub borders and as a high hedge.
Kluczowe cechy
- Fast, upright growth
- Thick, glossy and green leaves
- Leaves with a characteristic curve
- Low maintenance
- Disease-intolerant