Photinia serratifolia Pink Crispy ('Oploo 5'PBR) EU 43634

This variegated evergreen shrub is not only disease-resistant and easy to maintain: it also looks spectacular in a shrub border, landscaping, mass planting or even mixed containers. In fact, with a bushy, compact, upright habit and final height of 175 cm and width of 100 cm, Photinia fraseri Pink Crispy also makes for an excellent hedging plant. In addition to its compact growth, Photinia Pink Crispy is famous for its brilliant colours and strong branching. The marbled leaves are decorated with playful light and dark green splashes and contrast beautifully with the intense red stems. In spring, Pink Crispy surprises with bright pink young shoots, followed by small white flowers in early summer, exchanged for red berries until late winter. As if that’s not enough, you don’t even have to prune this Photinia. What more could one want?
Pink Crispy is a fast-growing evergreen and not too picky. Plant Pink Crispy in well-drained, fertile (acidic, neutral or slightly calcareous) soil in sun or partial shade. Temperatures down to -20 °C are no problem for this champ.
Kluczowe cechy
- Intense, marbled foliage
- New pink shoots
- Red stems
- Low maintenance
- Disease-tolerant
Photinia Pink Crispy winner of:
- Goud Plantarium 2015