Rubus idaeus BonBonBerry® Yummy ('Jdeboer19'PBR) EU 60304

Welcome to the new world of health, convenience, beauty and taste. Every consumer is looking for easiness in the garden. One plant of the BonBonBerry® Yummy is enough, they are self-pollinating so you get guaranteed many fruits. The BonBonBerry® Yummy is compact and bushy so ideal for on your terrace or balcony. In addition to convenience, consumers also want a healthier life. BonBonBerry® Yummy is rich in anthocyanin which has a good effect on heart and blood vessels. BonBonBerry® Yummy is also rich in antioxidants. These play an important role in the aging process. They reduce inflammation and the chance on various diseases. BonBonBerry® Yummy has beautiful, light green foliage and shows a rich bloom in the summer. In the summer and autumn BonBonBerry® Yummy gives very many pink fruits. In the summer and autumn you can pick as many healthy bonbons (pink raspberries) as you like. You can also use the sweet and juicy fruit for in the yogurt, salad or as a treat. BonBonBerry® Yummy can be pruned in spring.
Kluczowe cechy
- Fruit on one year-old wood (Primocane)
- No thornes
- Sweet fruit
- Lots of fruit
- Not susceptible to diseases