Acer campestre Street Pillar ('Ruijgrok'PBR) EU 62287
Laan- en straatbomen

The name Acer Street Pillar says it all: this is an Acer that is very suitable for planting in streets. Because of the narrow, ascending growth, Street Pillar is perfect for cities, squares, cemeteries and even containers. After 15 years, Street Pillar has, without pruning, a height of 5m and a width of 2m. Because of the even, narrow growth, pruning is not necessary. The short internodes and the dense crown make for this beautiful shape.
Street Pillar also tolerates partial paving. The leaf has a long stalk up to 29 cm and is larger than usual. The young foliage is bright green during spring and summer and then changes to dark green. In autumn, the green and yellow colored leaves stay long on the tree. Acer campestre is known for its effective absorption of CO2 and also Street Pillar contributes to the reduction of air pollution. In addition, the modest flowers in spring support biodiversity.
This Acer is an easy tree and can be planted in the shade as well as in the sun and in any type of soil. So far, no spider mites or mildew has been observed. Hardy to -28 ºC.
Kluczowe cechy
- Narrow, upright growth
- Strong branches
- Resistant to salt, drought and extreme conditions
- Anti-smog tree
- Tolerates partial paving
Acer Street Pillar winner of:
- KVBC Award Bronze 2022
- IPM Neuheit 2023
