Diderk Heinje Baumschul-Pflanzen-Handel GmbH & Co. KG
Informacje kontaktowe
Diderk Heinje Baumschul-Pflanzen-Handel GmbH & Co. KG Rüsseldorf 626188 Edewecht-Jeddeloh
- Tel:
- +49 448692830
- E-mail:
- [email protected]
- Strona internetowa:
- www.heinje.de
Lista roślin
- Abelia 'Kaleidoscope'
- Acer Royal Garnet
- Buddleja 'Gulliver'
- Buddleja Berries & Cream
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Lila Sweetheart
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Cerise
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Lila
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Magenta
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Pink
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Purple
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Ruby
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little White
- Buddleja Octopus Magenta
- Buddleja Pink Panther
- Buddleja Unique
- Caryopteris Grand Bleu®
- Choisya Apple Blossom
- Choisya Greenfingers
- Choisya Scented Gem
- Choisya White Dazzler
- Cornus 'Soleil Rouge'
- Cornus Flower Tower
- Cornus Miracle
- Cotinus 'Young Lady'
- Cotinus Flamissimo
- Cotinus Golden Lady
- Cotinus Golden Spirit®
- Cotinus Smokey Joe
- Deutzia Raspberry Sundae
- Deutzia Tokyo Delight
- Diervilla Honeybee
- Elaeagnus Taneo
- Escallonia Pink Elle
- Eucalyptus Silverana
- Euonymus 'Blondy®'
- Euonymus 'White Spire'
- Euonymus Golden Harlequin
- Euonymus Paloma Blanca
- Exochorda 'Niagara'
- Exochorda 'Snow Mountain'
- Exochorda Blushing Pearl
- Ficus Little Miss Figgy
- Gardenia 'Pinwheel®'
- Gardenia Double Diamonds
- Hibiscus Blue Chiffon
- Hibiscus Eternal Flower Pink
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Purple
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Ruby
- Hibiscus Flower Tower White
- Hibiscus Lavender Chiffon
- Hibiscus Little Legends Pink
- Hibiscus Little Legends White
- Hibiscus Magenta Chiffon
- Hibiscus Pink Chiffon
- Hibiscus Purple Chiffon
- Hibiscus Ruby Chiffon
- Hibiscus Starburst Chiffon
- Hibiscus White Chiffon
- Hydrangea 'Silver Lining'
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Bubblegum
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Marshmallow
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Sorbet
- Hydrangea Groundbreaker® Blush
- Hydrangea Hercules
- Hydrangea Little Fresco
- Hydrangea Little Spooky
- Hydrangea Mojito
- Hydrangea Skyfall
- Hydrangea Tara
- Hydrangea You&Me Together
- Koelreuteria 'Coral Sun'
- Lagerstroemia Berry Dazzle
- Lagerstroemia Eveline
- Lagerstroemia With Love Babe
- Lagerstroemia With Love Eternal
- Lagerstroemia With Love Girl
- Lagerstroemia With Love Kiss
- Lagerstroemia With Love Virgin
- Lavandula Exceptional
- Lavandula Phenomenal
- Lavandula Sensational!
- Leucothoe 'Curly Red'
- Leucothoe 'Little Flames'
- Leucothoe 'Makijaz'
- Leucothoe Burning Love
- Leucothoe Halloween
- Leucothoe Twisting Red®
- Leucothoe Whitewater
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Copper Glow
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Green Breeze
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Purple Storm
- Lonicera Scoop
- Lycium Little Goji
- Magnolia 'Cameo'
- Magnolia 'Cleopatra'
- Magnolia 'Genie'
- Magnolia 'Stellar Ruby'
- Magnolia Starburst
- Malus Appletini®
- Microbiota 'Lucas'
- Miscanthus 'Lady in Red'
- Miscanthus Pink Cloud
- Miscanthus Red Cloud®
- Morus BonBonBerry® Mojo Berry
- Musa Ever Red
- Nandina 'Twilight'
- Nandina Obsessed
- Panicum Purple Breeze
- Parrotia Persian Spire
- Perovskia 'Prime Time'
- Perovskia Lacey Blue
- Philadelphus Pearls of Perfume
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume Pink
- Philadelphus Petite Perfume White
- Photinia 'Little Fenna'
- Photinia Amigo
- Photinia Chico
- Photinia Pink Crispy
- Physocarpus Lady in Red
- Physocarpus Little Angel
- Physocarpus Little Joker
- Picea 'Karpaten'
- Pieris 'Little Frosty'
- Pieris 'Passion'
- Pieris Little Goldy
- Pieris Polar Passion
- Prunus Elly®
- Prunus Etna®
- Prunus Genolia®
- Prunus TAOFLORA® Pink
- Prunus TAOFLORA® Red
- Prunus TAOFLORA® White
- Prunus Titan
- Pyracantha 'Orange Star'
- Pyracantha 'Red Star'
- Pyracantha 'Sunny Star'
- Ribes 'Oregon Snowflake'
- Ribes Amore
- Rosa Amirose®
- Rosa Cutie Pie
- Rosa Everglow Ruby
- Rosa Take It Easy® Red
- Rosa Twister Select
- Rosmarinus Blue Cascade
- Rubus BonBonBerry® Yummy
- Rubus Raspberry Tower
- Sambucus Black Beauty
- Sambucus Black Lace
- Sambucus Black Tower
- Sambucus Golden Tower
- Sambucus Serenade
- Sarcococca Purple Gem
- Sarcococca Winter Gem
- Sempervivum 'Giants Gold Mine'
- Sempervivum 'Gold Nugget'
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Appletini
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Autumn Apple
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Berry Blues
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Berry Bomb
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Butterscotch Baby
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Chocolate Kiss
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cinnamon Starburst
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cosmic Candy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cotton Candy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Cranberry Cocktail
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Steel Appeal
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Grape Galaxy
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Key Lime Kiss
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Mint Marvel
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Pineapple Paradise
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Strawberry Kiwi
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Sugar Shimmer
- Sorbaria Crimson Feather
- Spiraea 'Tessa'
- Strobilanthes Brunetthy
- Styrax 'Evening Light'
- Styrax 'June Snow'
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rave
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rock
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rumble
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Pink
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Purple
- Syringa Flowerfesta® White
- Syringa Little Rosie
- Taxus Rising Star®
- Taxus Tiny T
- Thuja Totem Smaragd
- Vaccinium Fireballs
- Vaccinium Flamingo
- Viburnum 'Rock 'n Rolla®'
- Viburnum Coppertop
- Weigela 'Alexandra'
- Weigela Picobella Rosa
- Weigela Picobella Rosso