Plant Network Co. Ltd.
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Plant Network Co. Ltd. 196-5 Kido, Katsuragi639-2161 Nara
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- +81 745488889
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Lista roślin
- Abelia 'Hopleys'
- Abelia 'Kaleidoscope'
- Abelia Lucky Lots
- Abelia Sunshine Daydream
- Agapanthus BlackJack
- Agapanthus Blue Thunder
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Ever Sapphire
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Ever White
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Poppin' Purple
- Agapanthus Fireworks
- Agapanthus Twister
- Agastache Beelicious Pink
- Agastache Beelicious Purple
- Ajuga Princess Nadia
- Aloe Sunrise
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Lila Sweetheart
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Lila
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Magenta
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Pink
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Purple
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Ruby
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little White
- Buddleja High Five Purple
- Buddleja Unique
- Carex 'Rekohu Sunrise'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everdi'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everglow'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everillo'
- Carex EverColor® 'Everlime'
- Carex EverColor® 'Eversheen'
- Carex EverColor® Evercream
- Carex EverColor® Everest
- Caryopteris 'White Surprise'
- Caryopteris Blue Empire
- Chlorophytum 'Starlight'
- Choisya Apple Blossom
- Clematis Amber
- Clematis Little Lemons
- Cordyline Magic Star
- Coreopsis Solar Fancy
- Coreopsis Solar Jewel
- Coreopsis Solar Mellow
- Coreopsis Solar Moon
- Cornus Miracle
- Cotinus 'Old Fashioned'
- Cotinus 'Young Lady'
- Cotinus Dusky Maiden
- Cotinus Golden Spirit®
- Deutzia Raspberry Sundae
- Diervilla Honeybee
- Echinacea Pretty Parasols
- Escallonia Golden Carpet
- Escallonia Pink Elle
- Euonymus 'White Spire'
- Euonymus Dan's Delight
- Euonymus El-Dorado
- Euonymus Paloma Blanca
- Euphorbia 'Galaxy Glow'
- Euphorbia Miners Merlot
- Festuca Intense Blue
- Ficus Little Miss Figgy
- Fuchsia Happy Birthday
- Geranium 'Intense'
- Geranium Dreamland
- Hakonechloa Sunflare
- Hebe Midnight Sky
- Heuchera 'Kassandra'
- Hibiscus Carousel Geant Red
- Hibiscus Carousel Jolly Heart
- Hibiscus Carousel Pink Candy
- Hibiscus Carousel Pink Passion
- Hibiscus Carousel Red Wine
- Hydrangea Baby Lace
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Bubblegum
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Marshmallow
- Hydrangea Confetti
- Hydrangea Graffiti
- Hydrangea Hercules
- Hydrangea Little Fresco
- Hydrangea Little Spooky
- Hydrangea Mojito
- Hydrangea Skyfall
- Ilex LUXUS® Globe
- Lagerstroemia Eveline
- Lagerstroemia With Love Babe
- Lagerstroemia With Love Eternal
- Lagerstroemia With Love Girl
- Lagerstroemia With Love Kiss
- Lagerstroemia With Love Virgin
- Lavandula 'Blueberry Ruffles'
- Lavandula Blue Jeans
- Lavandula Exceptional
- Lavandula Lusi Pink
- Lavandula Phenomenal
- Lavandula Sensational!
- Leontopodium Blossom of Snow
- Leucothoe 'Little Flames'
- Leucothoe 'Makijaz'
- Leucothoe Burning Love
- Leucothoe Halloween
- Leucothoe Twisting Red®
- Leucothoe Whitewater
- Libertia Goldfinger
- Limonium Dazzle Rocks
- Lithodora 'Star'
- Lomandra Miner's Gold
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Copper Glow
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Green Breeze
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Purple Storm
- Lophomyrtus 'Magic Dragon'
- Loropetalum 'Ruby Runner'
- Magnolia 'Cleopatra'
- Magnolia 'Genie'
- Microbiota 'Lucas'
- Nandina 'Twilight'
- Nandina Blush Pink
- Nandina Brightlight
- Nandina Flirt
- Nandina Obsessed
- Nandina Red Light
- Nepeta Neptune
- Parrotia Persian Spire
- Pennisetum 'Tiny Twinkler'
- Pennisetum Lumen Gold
- Philadelphus Pearls of Perfume
- Phormium 'Black Adder'
- Photinia Chico
- Photinia Louise
- Photinia Pink Crispy
- Photinia Red Light
- Physocarpus Lady in Red
- Physocarpus Little Angel
- Physocarpus Little Greeny
- Physocarpus Little Joker
- Plectranthus Magic Mona Purple
- Prunus Titan
- Rhododendron Encore® Autumn Fire
- Rhododendron Encore® Sunburst
- Rhodohypoxis 'Beverly'
- Rhodoxis Fairy Kisses
- Rhodoxis Fairy Snow
- Rhodoxis Fairy Tale
- Ribes Amore
- Rosa Everglow Ruby
- Rubus BonBonBerry® Yummy
- Rubus Groovy
- Salvia Feathers Flamingo
- Salvia Feathers Peacock
- Sambucus Black Lace
- Sambucus Black Tower
- Sambucus Golden Tower
- Sambucus Serenade
- Sarcococca Purple Gem
- Sarcococca Winter Gem
- Sedum 'Blue Elf'
- Sedum ' Wildfire'
- Sedum 'Blue Pearl'
- Sedum 'Dazzleberry'
- Sedum 'Dream Dazzler'
- Sedum 'Firecracker'
- Sedum 'Jade Tuffet'
- Sedum 'Lime Twister'
- Sedum 'Lime Zinger'
- Sedum Atlantis®
- Sedum Plum Dazzled
- Sempervivum 'Giants Gold Mine'
- Sempervivum 'Gold Nugget'
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Emerald Explosion
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Steel Appeal
- Sempervivum Chick Charms® Gold Rush
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Arctic White
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Coral Red
- Sorbaria Crimson Feather
- Spiraea Sparkling Champagne
- Strobilanthes Brunetthy
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Pink
- Syringa Flowerfesta® Purple
- Syringa Flowerfesta® White
- Taxus 'Goldstrike'
- Thuja Sunny Smaragd
- Thuja Totem Smaragd
- Uncinia Everflame
- Vaccinium BonBonBerry® Blue Suede
- Vaccinium Flamingo
- Veronica Bubblegum Candles
- Viburnum Coppertop
- Weigela 'Wings of Fire'
- Weigela Picobella Rosa
- x Semponium 'Destiny'
- x Semponium 'Diamond'
- x Semponium 'Sienna'
- x Semponium 'Vortex'