Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mini Penny' PBR EU 38125

Hydrangea 'Mini Penny' is the "flowering machine" for in your garden. An easy plant with lots of flowers. Simply leave 'Mini Penny' because it survives even in Eastern Europe. Where most hydrangeas never bloom, 'Mini Penny' does.
Do you prefer pale pink or light blue flowers? Make the flowers light blue with special hydrangea fertilizer which contains aluminium sulphate. 'Mini Penny' is a hydrangea with guaranteed bloom. Pruning can therefore easily be done in the spring which will give you guaranteed flowers the same year.
'Mini Penny' loves full sun and is insensitive to disease. Applicable as a low hedge, as a highlight in your border or in a nice pot on your terrace.
Mini Penny becomes 1 m high and 1 m wide.
Key Points
- Abundant flowering
- Compact
- Easy to maintain
- Disease tolerant