Geum 'Orange Pumpkin' PBR EU 20230440

Vaste planten


Are you ready for the most unique flowers you’ve ever seen on a Geum? Good. Orange Pumpkin will take the market by storm with its vibrant orange, double, ruffled flowers. An innovative and truly unique flower shape. And the best is yet to come: Orange Pumpkin is a reblooming variety which will continuously flower from spring into early autumn, producing more flower stems than you’ve ever seen.

The unique flower shape gives gardens a natural, breezy look from late spring to mid-autumn. The short internodes make Orange Pumpkin very compact, growing up to 40 - 50 cm high and 30 cm wide. It has a mound-forming habit with upright flower stems, making it the perfect fit for pond edges, natural gardens, cottage gardens, borders and containers.

How to care for Geum Orange Pumpkin:
Plant Orange Pumpkin in well-drained, moist soil. Cut old stems back after flowering to stimulate more flowers. Orange Pumpkin thrives in full sun or partial shade and is hardy to -23 ºC.

Key Points

  1. Unique flower shape
  2. Short internodes, compact
  3. Rich flowering, many flower stems
  4. Suitable for small and larger pots
  5. Attracts bees


Geum Orange Pumpkin winner of:

  • Chelsea Plant of the Year 2023 Shortlisted
Chelsea Plant of the Year 2023 Shortlisted

Breeder: Staudengärtnerei Green-Globe

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