Buddleja davidii Berries & Cream ('Pmoore14'PBR) EU 52668

Buddleja Berries & Cream is a new introduction of the well-known breeder Peter Moore. Berries & Cream has two-coloured flowers in shades of cream and purple. The flowering is very rich and lasts from June to October. A party for bees and butterflies! Berries & Cream becomes about 2 m high and 70 cm wide.
How to care for Buddleja Berries & Cream:
Plant Berries & Cream in full sun in a fertile, well-drained soil. Pruning can be done in the spring up to a height of about 10 cm. This Butterfly Bush is very hardy to -20 ºC. Berries & Cream is very suitable for landscaping, the shrub border or for on the balcony or terrace.
Key Points
- Bicolored flowers
- Attracts bees & butterflies
- Very hardy