At IPM Essen’s show in Germany, Mad about Mangave® Mangave ‘Blazing Saddles’PBR and Acer campestre Street Pillar ('Ruijgrok'PBR) were awarded in the Neuheiten Schaufenster Novelty Competition.
Blazing Saddles, the latest addition to the Mad about Mangave® series has, thanks to the efforts of Sudkultur amongst others, won IPM Novelty 2023 in the category of Potted Plants. The jurors stated: “This plant meets all current requirements for a climate resilient plant. It is heat tolerant, tolerates intense sunlight and needs hardly any water.”
Street Pillar, bred by Leen Ruijgrok was awarded IPM Novelty 2023 in the Woody Plants category. An Acer with narrow, ascending growth and a tolerance for partial paving, making it very suitable for planting in cities, squares, cemeteries and even containers. Acer campestre is known for its effective absorption of CO2 and Street Pillar too, contributes to the reduction of air pollution. Or as the jurors stated: “In times of climate change, the field maple is one of the most interesting trees of the future. Above all, it is one of the few Central European climate heroes.”