Do you struggle to find the right plants for that one sunny spot in your garden where shade seems to be an absolute luxury? When planning your beds and borders its incredibly important to remember that full sun can actually bake your plants. Some plants might not even make it to the end of a hot summer. When growing plants in full sun you have to keep an eye open for varieties that are tolerant of these at times scorching conditions.
Heat-tolerant plants for a spot in full sun
While most plants shy away from spots without any shade, we’ve actually come across more than a few sun-loving plants:
1. Escallonia Showstopper
The beautiful Escallonia Showstopper will steal the show in every garden and is absolutely adored by bees and butterflies. With its compact shape and spreading habit it makes for great ground cover. And not only does the Showstopper tolerate heat: she’s also not susceptible to diseases and less susceptible to frost damage than other Escallonia!
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2. Hydrangea Avelroz You’ve probably seen the Hydrangea Avelroz in borders more than once. It’s an incredibly versatile Hydrangea as it has a compact growth habit and stunning foliage. The Avelroz prefers a spot in partial shade, but will also survive a spot in full sun. 2_sel_hydrangea_avelroz_pepi_juin_300.jpg2.9 MB
3. Spiraea Goldfire The unique Spiraea Goldfire is a true shapeshifter. It has golden foliage and white flowers during spring and summer and lights on fire during the autumn months. The Goldfire offers three seasons filled with visual interest. This beauty grows to about 1.5 – 2m high and wide and is great for landscaping, gardens, borders and as a hedge. This easy to grow shrub is drought, cold and heat tolerant!
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4. Dianthus Vivid Bright Light The Dianthus Vivid Bright Light doesn’t just have beautiful, bright flowers: but actually reblooms from spring to autumn. The best part is that she’ll thrive in a full sun location. Whether that’s in a mixed container, a pot, a perennial border or mass planting.
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5. Dahlia Mystic Serie The unique, breathtaking Dahlia Mystic Serie truly are a sight for sore eyes. The most fashionable flower to add to your perennial border. But besides fashionable, she’s also very low maintenance and heat tolerant! Do keep in mind that the Dahlia Mystic is moderately hardy, so if you have very cold winters, you’d do best by covering them!
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6. Lagerstroemia Eveline The Lagerstroemia is a large shrub producing beautiful flowers from summer to autumn. Whether you’ve a South-facing or West-facing garden: this shrub loves a spot in the full sun. The Lagerstroemia Eveline especially! This gorgeous plant flowers abundantly with large, pastel-pink flowers and will grab the attention with its pretty shape. It’s easy to grow, hardy to -18 ºC and a perfect fit for any shrub border or container.
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7. Coreopsis Twinklebells® Low-maintenance, drought-tolerant, long-blooming and an absolute showstopper: that’s the Coreopsis Twinklebells®. As most Coreopsis, Twinklebells® flowers abundantly and shows off with masses of orange-red flowers. From early summer all the way up to early winter! With a compact, bushy habit and flowers with a fine structure, the Twinklebells® Copper gives a very playful and decorative effect to your garden.
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8. Philadelphus Dainty Lady And how about this Dainty Lady? An abundantly flowering Philadelphus who absolutely thrives on a sunny spot. A beautiful plant for the terrace or balcony, in the garden or border or even a mass planting. This incredible Philadelphus is hardy to -25 ºC!
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9. Caryopteris Blue Empire Big, blue and beautiful. The Caryopteris Blue Empire produces blue flowers that are strikingly bigger than the flowers of other Caryopteris varieties. It grows incredibly fast and has a nice, bushy habit. As all Caryopteris, Blue Empire thrives in full sun and is 100% pollinator-friendly.
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10. Thuja Sunny Smaragd
What’s in a name? Well, pretty much everything in this case. The Thuja Sunny Smaragd
Absolutely THRIVES in full sun, and doesn’t show even the slightest sign of getting scorched whatsoever. It doesn’t suffer from sunburn and is easy grown in pots!