Behrens Jungpflanzen
Informacje kontaktowe
Behrens Jungpflanzen Wittkuhlenstrasse 5b26160 Bad Zwischenahn-Orhwege
- Tel:
- +49 440371580
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Lista roślin
- Buddleja Berries & Cream
- Buddleja Peacock
- Buddleja Pink Panther
- Buddleja Unique
- Caryopteris 'White Surprise'
- Caryopteris Grand Bleu®
- Caryopteris Stephi
- Caryopteris Sterling Silver
- Chaenomeles Red Kimono
- Choisya Apple Blossom
- Choisya Greenfingers
- Choisya Scented Gem
- Choisya White Dazzler
- Cornus Miracle
- Cornus Nightfall
- Cotinus 'Old Fashioned'
- Cotinus 'Young Lady'
- Cotinus Flamissimo
- Cotinus Golden Spirit®
- Cotinus Smokey Joe
- Deutzia Raspberry Sundae
- Escallonia Glowing Embers
- Escallonia Showstopper
- Exochorda 'Niagara'
- Exochorda Blushing Pearl
- Hibiscus Blue Chiffon
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Purple
- Hibiscus Flower Tower Ruby
- Hibiscus Flower Tower White
- Hibiscus Lavender Chiffon
- Hibiscus Magenta Chiffon
- Hibiscus Pink Chiffon
- Hibiscus Starburst Chiffon
- Hibiscus White Chiffon
- Hydrangea 'Golden Annabelle'
- Hydrangea Baby Lace
- Hydrangea Bonfire
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Bubblegum
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Marshmallow
- Hydrangea Candybelle® Sorbet
- Hydrangea Confetti
- Hydrangea Graffiti
- Hydrangea Hercules
- Hydrangea Little Spooky
- Hydrangea Mojito
- Hydrangea Pink & Rose
- Hydrangea Skyfall
- Hydrangea You&Me Together
- Lagerstroemia Eveline
- Lagerstroemia With Love Babe
- Lagerstroemia With Love Eternal
- Lagerstroemia With Love Girl
- Lagerstroemia With Love Kiss
- Lagerstroemia With Love Virgin
- Ligustrum Green Screen
- Magnolia Vanilla Pearls
- Morus BonBonBerry® Mojo Berry
- Perovskia Lacey Blue
- Perovskia Silvery Blue
- Philadelphus 'Dainty Lady'
- Philadelphus Pearls of Perfume
- Photinia 'Little Fenna'
- Photinia Amigo
- Photinia Corallina
- Photinia Louise
- Physocarpus Lady in Red
- Physocarpus Little Angel
- Physocarpus Little Joker
- Potentilla Double Punch® Cream
- Potentilla Double Punch® Gold
- Potentilla Double Punch® Pastel
- Potentilla Double Punch® Peach
- Potentilla Double Punch® Tango
- Prunus 'Obelisk®'
- Prunus Bonaparte®
- Prunus Copperbell
- Prunus Elly®
- Prunus Etna®
- Sambucus Black Beauty
- Sambucus Black Lace
- Sambucus Black Tower
- Sambucus Golden Tower
- Sambucus Serenade
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rave
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rock
- Symphoricarpos Symphony Rumble
- Viburnum 'Rock 'n Rolla®'
- Viburnum Spirit
- Weigela Picobella Bianco
- Weigela Picobella Rosa
- Weigela Picobella Rosso
- Weigela Pink Poppet