On June 19th, over 240 stands presented more than 150 companies and products across multiple halls at the HTA National Plant Show. Growers entered new plants across five categories: Herbaceous Perennials, annuals, houseplants, shrubs and climbers, and Trees and conifers. There was a total of 11 awards for novelties under management by Plantipp.
● GOLD was awarded to Musa sikkimensis Ever Red ('Lou 1'PBR) and Sorbaria Crimson Feathers
● Cornus alba Nightfall ('Verpaalen3'PBR), Philadelphus Petite Perfume Pink ('P1'PBR) and Mahonia eurybracteata Meteor ('Hillmah'PBR) were awarded with Silver
● Lomandra Miners Gold, Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Gold Mine ('GGM2022'), Agapanthus Everpanthus® Sparkle ('DWAgHyb05'PBR), Sempervivum Chick Charms® Giants Steel Appeal, Philadelphus Petite Perfume White ('W1'PBR) and Gazania Suncarpet® ('DwGzHy01'PBR) all received a Bronze award.
Awards should be celebrated, and we're incredibly proud of the varieties we represent, and the people involved in bringing these to the market. Big congratulations to all involved!