Kernock Park Plants Ltd.
Contact Informatie
Kernock Park Plants Ltd. PillatonPL12 6RY Saltash, Cornwall
United Kingdom
- Tel:
- +44 1579350561
- E-mail:
- [email protected]
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Overzicht van Planten
- Agapanthus 'Tom Thumb'
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Poppin' Purple
- Agapanthus Everpanthus® Poppin' Star
- Agapanthus Twister
- Agastache Beelicious Pink
- Agastache Beelicious Purple
- Ajuga Princess Nadia
- Astelia 'Silver Shadow'
- Astelia Red Shadow
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Lila Sweetheart
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Cerise
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Lila
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Magenta
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Pink
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Purple
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little Ruby
- Buddleja Butterfly Candy® Little White
- Chlorophytum 'Starlight'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Days'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Eyes'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Flame'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Kiss'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Lips'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Nights'
- Dahlia 'Dreamy® Sunlight'
- Dahlia 'Mystic Enchantment'
- Dahlia 'Mystic Sparkler'
- Dahlia Double Dreamy®
- Dahlia Electro Pink
- Dahlia Mystic Dreamer
- Dahlia Mystic Fantasy
- Dahlia Mystic Haze
- Dahlia Mystic Illusion
- Dahlia Mystic Memories
- Dahlia Mystic Spirit
- Dahlia Mystic Wizard
- Dahlia Mystic Wonder
- Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Garnet'
- Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Moon Stone'
- Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Peridot'
- Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Ruby'
- Delosperma 'Jewel of Desert Topaz'
- Delosperma Desert Dancers® Purple
- Delosperma Desert Dancers® Red
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Amethyst
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Candystone
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Grenade
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Opal
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Rosequartz
- Delosperma Jewel of Desert Sunstone
- Echeveria Devotion
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Orange
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Purple
- Erysimum Colour Vibe Red
- Escallonia Showstopper
- Euphorbia 'Ascot Petite'
- Euphorbia Miners Merlot
- Gaillardia Sun Buddies Gold
- Gaillardia Sun Buddies Red
- Gazania Suncarpet®
- Geranium 'Westray'
- Geranium Dreamland
- Geranium Orkney Cherry
- Hakonechloa Sunflare
- Lavandula 'Meerlo'
- Lavandula Exceptional
- Lavandula Phenomenal
- Lewisia Sunset Glow
- Libertia 'Taupo Sunset'
- Libertia Goldfinger
- Lonicera Garden Clouds® Purple Storm
- Salvia Feathers Peacock
- Sedum 'Cherry Tart'
- Sedum 'Dazzleberry'
- Sedum 'Firecracker'
- Sedum 'Jade Tuffet'
- Sedum 'Lime Twister'
- Sedum 'Lime Zinger'
- Sedum Atlantis®
- Sedum Little Gecko
- Sedum Plum Dazzled
- Sempervivum Blushing Garnet
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Arctic White
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Coconut Crystal
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Coral Red
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Emerald Swirl
- Sempervivum Colorockz® Ruby Lime
- Uncinia Everflame