Sempervivum Chick Charms® Trio



The Three Musketeers, Charlie’s Angels and now Chick Charms®; there is something about the rule of 3. Chick Charms® are easy to grow, easy to care for but with the huge range of colours and textures: where do you get started? Our hand selected trios give you year-round colour and texture without having to choose. The only danger here is once you start collecting you won’t be able to stop! The Sempervivum Chick Charms® are hardy to -25 ºC.

The trios are available in the following combinations:
• Candied Campfire: Gold Nugget, Plum Parfait, Strawberry Kiwi
• Berries and Cream: Berry Blues, Berry Bomb, Cotton Candy
• Cherry Cordial: Autumn Apple, Berry Bomb, Mint Marvel
• Honeycrisp Twist: Appletini, Cosmic Candy, Gold Nugget
• Sugar and Spice: Cosmic Candy, Mint Marvel, Sugar Shimmer
• Truffles and Tart: Appletini, Chocolate Kiss, Cranberry Cocktail

Sempervivum Chick Charms® are trademarked in Europe under number 16662504.

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Punti chiave

  1. Facile da coltivare anche per principianti
  2. Colore unico
  3. Piante longeve
  4. Ultra resistenti
  5. Risparmio idrico

Ibridatore: Garden Solutions, LLC

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